How To Build a Keyword Optimized ATS Friendly Resume

How To Build a Keyword Optimized ATS Friendly Resume

In today's competitive job industry, it's important to have a resume that stands out and catches the attention of hiring managers. But did you know that optimizing your resume with keywords and making it ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly can significantly improve your chances of getting noticed?

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of building a keyword optimized ATS friendly resume that can help you land your dream job.

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Before diving into the optimization process, it's important to understand what ATS is and how it works. ATS is software used by employers to manage and filter incoming resumes.

It scans resumes for specific keywords, skills, and qualifications to determine their relevance to the job opening. By aligning your resume with ATS requirements, you increase your chances of getting past the initial screening.

Researching Relevant Keywords

To optimize your resume, start by researching relevant keywords related to your target job. Carefully review the job description and make note of the keywords and phrases used.

These keywords typically include job titles, technical skills, industry-specific terms, and desired qualifications. Incorporating these keywords into your resume will help ATS identify your suitability for the role.

Structuring Your Resume

An organized and well-structured resume is essential for both human readers and ATS. Here are some key elements to consider:


Include your name, contact information, and a professional email address at the top of your resume.

Summary or Objective Statement

Craft a concise summary or objective statement that highlights your key qualifications and career goals. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into this section.

Work Experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Include job titles, company names, employment dates, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements.

Focus on showcasing accomplishments that demonstrate the skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description.

Education and Certifications

Provide details about your educational background, including degrees, institutions, and graduation dates. Mention any relevant certifications or professional development courses.


Create a dedicated section to highlight your relevant skills. Divide them into categories, such as technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific skills. Incorporate keywords throughout this section.

Additional Sections

Depending on your background, you may include additional sections like projects, publications, professional affiliations, or volunteer work. Tailor these sections to highlight experiences that align with the job requirements.

Consider going through this post if you want to learn about some tips for creating a professional resume more efficiently.

Using Keywords Effectively

To optimize your resume for ATS, strategically incorporate keywords throughout your document. Here are some tips:

  • Use exact keyword matches where appropriate, but ensure they are relevant and used naturally within your content.
  • Sprinkle related keywords throughout your resume to demonstrate a comprehensive skillset.
  • Avoid overstuffing your resume with keywords, as it can appear unnatural and hinder readability.
  • Utilize synonyms and variations of keywords to increase the likelihood of matching relevant search criteria.

Formatting for ATS Compatibility

To ensure your resume is ATS friendly, follow these formatting guidelines:

  • Use a standard font, such as Arial or Calibri, with a font size of 10-12 points.
  • Keep your resume in a clean and simple format, using bullet points and short sentences for easy scanning.
  • Avoid complex tables, graphics, or images that may cause parsing errors for ATS.
  • Save your resume as a PDF or plain text file to maintain formatting consistency across different systems.

Proofreading and Testing

Before submitting your resume, proofread it thoroughly for any errors or typos. Additionally, test your resume by uploading it to an ATS simulator or using online tools to ensure it parses correctly and captures the intended keywords.

Go through this guide to avoid common resume errors. This will increase the probability of your success in getting shortlisted for further hiring process.


Crafting a keyword optimized ATS friendly resume is an essential step towards landing your dream job. By understanding the workings of ATS, researching relevant keywords, and incorporating keywords strategically, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Remember to keep your resume tailored, concise, and visually appealing while maintaining compatibility with ATS systems. Use this guide as your roadmap to create a standout resume that surpasses your competition and helps you secure the job you desire.

Also Read: Professional CV Writing Guide: Tips for Creating a High-Impact Resume


What is an ATS and why is it important for my resume?
An ATS, or Applicant Tracking System, is software used by employers to manage and filter resumes. It scans resumes for specific keywords, skills, and qualifications to determine their relevance to the job opening. Optimizing your resume for ATS can significantly improve your chances of getting noticed by employers and progressing to the next stage of the hiring process.

How can I identify the relevant keywords for my resume?
To identify relevant keywords, carefully review the job description and make note of the keywords and phrases used. These keywords typically include job titles, technical skills, industry-specific terms, and desired qualifications. Incorporating these keywords into your resume can help ATS identify your suitability for the role.

Should I include every keyword mentioned in the job description?
While it's important to incorporate relevant keywords, avoid overstuffing your resume with keywords. Focus on using keywords naturally within your content, ensuring they align with your skills and qualifications. Use synonyms and variations of keywords to increase the likelihood of matching relevant search criteria.

How can I test my resume's compatibility with ATS?
You can test your resume by uploading it to an ATS simulator or using online tools specifically designed for this purpose. This allows you to see how your resume is parsed by ATS and identify any issues or areas for improvement.